Ambrosia: Nectar of the Gods is a fake beverage line created for a personal packaging project. The nutrition facts were taken from the brand Alani, and I was heavily influenced by their packaging.
The brand was created with the tagline 'nectar of the gods', and used mythological creatures to represent the flavor profiles, something I've yet to see in a brand. I love mythos and have wanted to create something with them for a long time. The first flavor was Thriae's Nectar, which inspired the name of the brand, the logo coloring, as well as the hexagonal patterns.
I'd like to expand the brand more and add snacks and flavor packets similar to Mio.
3D Models
Thriae's Nectar was the very first profile I created, becoming the 'original' flavor of all the drinks. Thriae are Greek nymphs utilizing bees to protect the forest. Honey lemonade was chosen for both the color, and the connection to bees and the nymphs for which it was named.
The Basilisk line was the final profile I created for the brand. A Basilisk appears in many mythologies through time, and is known to be the most poisonous creature to ever live. Because of the poisonous connotations, I chose purple for the color, and Basilisk's Poison is the original flavor for the line. Cotton candy flavoring was chosen because of the 'dangerous' nature of drinks that taste sweet, leading you to drink more.
Cthulhu is a cosmic entity first created by H.P. Lovecraft. It resembles a green octopus, dragon, and human caricature of gargantuan stature. The aquatic nature of Cthulhu is the driving force behind the naming convention of the line. Caramel apple retains the sweetness of the brand, while providing the crispness I imagined would come from a sea-inspired drink flavor.
Vampires are well known creatures of myth. Vampire's Kiss was the original flavor of the design, utilizing the iconic blood-red color. Black cherry vanilla is a dark, surprising flavor, much like if you were to encounter one alone at night.
The Yeti line flavor was chosen as the only one in the brand without a sweetness element. This is because I wanted the feeling of snow on your tongue to be predominant. The Yeti is an ape-like creature from Asia, located in the snowy Himalayan mountain range.
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